Precious Hair and Beauty
by John Ogunmuyiwa
2022, UK, 10 mins
6:15 pm on Sept 24, 2022
About the movie
English— In certain areas the high street is one of the few places that can really transport a person to a whole other planet; a world where anything is possible, from roadman ninjas to tumble weaves – it’s all there. The real-life prophecy of expecting the unexpected. It’s true beauty lies in the fact that no matter what happens, whether someone has been rescued or a robbery has occurred, as long as it’s on the high street everything will always eventually return to normal.
French—Dans certaines régions, la rue principale est l’un des rares endroits qui peuvent réellement transporter une personne sur une toute autre planète ; un monde où tout est possible, des ninjas de la route aux tissages à la chaîne – tout y est. La prophétie de la vie réelle de s’attendre à l’inattendu. Sa véritable beauté réside dans le fait que, quoi qu’il arrive, que quelqu’un ait été secouru ou qu’un vol ait eu lieu, tant que c’est dans la rue principale, tout finira toujours par revenir à la normale.
About the director
English — John Ogunmuyiwa is an award-winning Nigerian born London-bred filmmaker who works in both documentary and fiction. His work draws upon a constant questioning of what it means to be normal. Using daily observations as a base, he tends to bring a tinge of surrealism into his work, all with the aim of telling untold stories from a different perspective.