Maybe Tomorrow
by Orinthia Shondell Babb & Toritse Ogbemi-Daibo
2023, Canada, 6 mins
5 pm on Sept 24, 2023

About the movie
English— In this short film, we follow the journey of Emily, a talented young lady grappling with the demons of mental illness. The film delves deep into the complexities of mental health and explores how she is handling the matter. Although Emily just got a promotion boost to her successful project management career, the impacts of social media highlight reels and family issues sends her spiraling further into her private battle with mental health. Note: The film “MAYBE TOMORROW” aims to create awareness about mental health issues and inspire conversations about noticing and helping out with mental illness. It is important to approach such topics with sensitivity and accuracy, making sure to consult mental health professionals and organisations to ensure responsible representation.
Français- Dans ce court métrage, nous suivons le parcours d’Emily, une jeune femme talentueuse aux prises avec les démons de la maladie mentale. Le film se penche sur les complexités de la santé mentale et explore la façon dont elle gère la question. Bien qu’Emily vienne d’obtenir une promotion dans sa carrière de gestionnaire de projet, l’impact des médias sociaux et des problèmes familiaux l’entraînent dans une spirale qui l’amène à se battre contre sa propre santé mentale. Note : Le film “MAYBE TOMORROW” a pour but de sensibiliser aux problèmes de santé mentale et d’inspirer des conversations sur le fait de remarquer et d’aider les personnes atteintes d’une maladie mentale. Il est important d’aborder ces sujets avec sensibilité et précision, en veillant à consulter des professionnels de la santé mentale et des organisations pour garantir une représentation responsable.
About the director

English — Orinthia has been working as a background actress in 2004 on numerous movie sets. Since then, she has been a stand-in actress on The Gabby Douglas Story and a featured and voice actress for several promotional corporate videos. She also works on the crew side amassing experience in the production office, costume, locations, and set decorating roles. “Maybe Tomorrow” is Orinthia’s first feature short film as a producer. As a collaborative team leader and seasoned business manager, she also took on the roles of co-writer, co-director, co-editor, production manager, locations manager, social media content creator, casting manager, props assistant, and set decorating. With a passion for writing, she has been a journalist since 2016 and acquired her Media Communications Diploma from Assiniboine Community College in 2021. Orinthia has worked as a Reporter and Associate Producer at CBC Manitoba and a Writer for the Government of Manitoba. She is freelance journalist that has covered and hosted various events in the Manitoba community for years and loves all things media.