by Mugisha Herbert Morris
2022, Uganda, 76 mins
8:25 pm on Sept 23, 2023
About the movie
English— Zoom into the very soul of a man working the garbage truck 12 hours a day in the chaotic city battling a mental set back when he loses a son.
Français—Zoomez sur l’âme même d’un homme qui travaille dans le camion poubelle 12 heures par jour dans une ville chaotique et qui lutte contre un trouble mental en retrait quand il perd un fils.
About the director
English — Morris Mugisha is a fast rising Director, and Producer born in a family of eight from Kigezi, Uganda. He graduated from Makerere University with an honorary Degree in Bach. of Arts in Arts (African Literature, Communication and Cinema Studies), a Diploma in Performing Arts (Music Dance and Drama) as well as a Diploma in Radio and TV production. In 2007 represented Uganda in the celebrated reality TV series “Big Brother Africa” season 11 televised on MNET. From then on, he catapulted higher by starting his creative advertising agency MO IDEAS where he is an Art director, Copywriter and producer. He has produced and directed the short film FEAR KNOWS MY NAME, the award winning movies STAIN and TEMBELE. He has continued telling stories and touching lives through producing local Television Commercials.
He has also produced Documentaries such as “Incredible Children’ which highlights the plight of Street children in Uganda. He has also worked with the Government on a documentary funded by the World Bank under the Uganda Registration Services Bureau, the Ministry of Water and Environment, Enabel Belgian Development Agency and also worked as a Peer educator/influencer at Reach A hand organization (RAHU). Mugisha .H. Morris has created some of the most iconic TV commercials for reknown companies here in Uganda like Picfare, Nytil, Harris International, URSB. World Bank, to mention but a few.